Monday Motivation!

Happy Monday Everyone!

I have been slacking on my Monday Motivational posts; this reflects my lack of motivation for running since the Martian Half Marathon a few weeks ago. Today, I am determined to get back on track with my running and healthy eating. The end of the semester for school has really made me eat very unhealthy compared to what I normally eat; I know that this is just an excuse and I am okay with that. I am ready to get back on track! I really need to do this because I have a race this Sunday, the Cinco De Miler, which I am really excited about, and two half marathons to train for in June!!

To start this week of right here is some motivation & inspiration:




Have a great Monday & I hope that everyone gets motivated to accomplish what they set out do to!

Motivation Monday!

Good morning everyone!

Today’s motivation has a lot to do with me wanting to eat a healthier diet. I do eat very healthy, but lately I have been eating too much bread, cookies, etc. I really need to focus on eating a well-balanced diet and not eating more than 1 portion, which seems to be a big problem for me! I still need to lose some weight before I start training for the Chicago Marathon because I know that I am not going to be able to get to my goal weight while training!


This is my motivation. I know that I have posted this same motivation before, but I feel that it is more relevant for today! I really don’t like to repeat but I have a valid point for reusing it!

I don’t want to be on a diet. I have found that there really is no point in that. If you give up food that you love, you can only go so long without it. I believe that all things are good in a moderate amount. I just want to eat foods that are healthier and provide nutrients for my body. I will be tweaking what I eat to be more nutrient dense. I will post some things that I am eating, maybe even some recipes!

 I hope everyone has a wonderful & healthy Monday!

A Fresh Start.

After this past week, I really need to get back on track with what I am eating. I have not been eating very healthy and I really can tell it by how my body is feeling.

Today, is a fresh start. I know that  feel my best when I eat fresh, whole foods. I will take the time to plan my meals accordingly. I will keep myself accountable by tracking my progress here.  

I still have a few pounds to loose before I reach my goal weight. 20 to be exact. If I even reach half of that before marathon training starts, I will be ecstatic! In the past couple of years, I have lost around 60 pounds. ( more on that in a later post)

I look forward to this fresh start and what it will bring to me! 

This is my motivation: to eat healthy, and not be on a restrictive diet!


Happy Monday 🙂

Motivational Monday!

Today’s motivation is about just getting out there and trying. I know that somedays you do not feel like working out, or at least that is the case for me. The important thing to remember is that you will feel better after your run or other type of workout. It honestly does not matter if you are the slowest or the fastest. What matters the most is the fact that you motivated yourself to get off the couch and go for a run!



Happy Monday! 🙂